Vidhardh Housing Society, Yavatmal, Maharashtra 445002

Single-Sitting Root Canal Treatment in Yavatmal

If you have a deep-rooted cavity and are always on the go, a busy lifestyle can often make it difficult to commit to long procedures. However, pain relief is a must. At Dr. Gophane Dental Clinic, we are known to provide single-sitting root canal treatment in Yavatmal for people with painful teeth and busy schedules.

Single-Sitting Root Canal Treatment in Yavatmal

A single-sitting RCT is similar to the traditional root canal but is typically completed in a single session by the dentist. The damaged part of the tooth, which had been causing you pain, is removed to reveal an empty canal or hole in the tooth.

After removing the infected part of the tooth, called the pulp, it is then filled up with gutta-percha and sealed with a tooth-like crown. All of this is done in one single visit, eliminating the need to visit the dentist multiple times.

Eligibility Criteria for a Single-Sitting RCT

To get a single-sitting Root Canal, a few checkboxes need to be checked to ensure a successful treatment. These include:

  • The tooth is highly infected
  • The tooth does not respond to temperature changes
  • Serious structural weakness of the tooth
  • The patient has a packed schedule
  • Only a single tooth requires a root canal
  • The tooth can withstand the immediate procedure

To know if you are eligible for a Single-Sitting RCT in Yavatmal, book an appointment with Dr. Gophane Dental Clinic.

Benefits of Single-Sitting RCT

A single-sitting root canal, even though similar to a traditional Root Canal, has added benefits such as:

  • Shorter treatment time: The treatment time or the duration of single-sitting Root Canal treatment is shorter than traditional RCT.
  • Faster healing: As the Single-Sitting RCT procedure is done in a shorter time, it also heals faster so you can return back to normal faster.
  • Saving time and money: A single-sitting RCT can help save time and money by eliminating the need for multiple sessions, which may need extra time and money.
  • Reduced risks of infection: As the canal cleaning, filling, and sealing are all done in a single day, the canal is not left open for bacterial infestation and, hence, is safer.
  • Efficient treatment: A quicker procedure is more effective as it is convenient in a variety of factors.


1.What is Single Sitting RCT?

Single Sitting Root Canal Treatment is a form of RCT where the entire process of Cleaning, Disinfecting, and Sealing is done in a single appointment, which saves time and ensures patient convenience.

Traditional RCT requires multiple appointments, but a Single Sitting RCT is completed in one single visit.

No. Single-sitting RCT is done under local anesthesia, which makes it painless and comfortable.

Single Sitting RCT usually takes 60-90 minutes but can be influenced by the intensity of the problem.

Yes. Single-sitting RCT is equally effective as traditional RCT when done correctly.